Thursday, February 14, 2008

Well, where do we go from here?

Everyone seems to be trying to make sense of ebay's changes. Me too! So where do we go from here?

Well for one thing, each of us has to analyze what we sell, what venue on ebay, it sells best in (auction/fixed price/store inventory) and at what price level.

I am so NOT a professional retailer it's not funny. No business courses, no statistical analysis etc. So this is just my "method" that follows.

1. I always put everything into auction and then if it didn't sell, into the eb ay store.

2. Mostly 7 day auctions.

3. Gallery on everything

so...I'll save money on the gallery pix being free. I will still do mainly 7 day auctions.

When things go into the store inventory, they will get piced up higher because of ebay's new 2% minimum higher store FVF.

AND I'm using the google base store connector more regularly.

Oh and yes, I am using Best Offer on EVERYTHING.


And I have a list of other selling venues to explore

I have found a webhost with shopping cart I'll be exploring and I'll let you know if I'm gonna jump in there right now or wait a bit.

I also am going to reopen my ABEbooks bookstore - and put a lot more books and items on Amazon. Both things will cost me money initially but we'll see if it sells enough to support itself. All my friends are doing it, so why not.

Now, before you ask, NO I have not revised all 900 items. The new things all have the new template the eBay Seller Outreach program recommended but the 900 already in there? Nope, not yet.

I had knee replacement surgery last week and I'm spending hours a day doing rehab so I'm behind on my "updates" and moving a lot more surgery. But that's a whole 'nother blog. or Squidoo lens. See ya later

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Squidoo: My 2008 reading list